We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.
1. Enhancement: (verb)
Meaning: Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of. (बढ़ाने)
Synonym: Intensify, Magnify, Amplify, Inflate
Antonym: Decrease, Diminish, Discourage, Hurt
Example: You can enhance the flavor of the dish by using fresh herbs.
Related Words:
Enhancement, Enhanced
2. Pointed: (adjective)
Meaning: Having a sharpened or tapered tip or end. (नुकीला)
Synonym: Barbed, Sharp, Acuminate, Cornered
Antonym: Blunt, Dull
Example: Her new book is a pointed look at life in a small community.
Related Words:
Pointing, Pointedly
3. Interpretation: (noun)
Meaning: The action of explaining the meaning of something. (व्याख्या)
Synonym: Explanation, Elucidation, Expounding, Exposition
Antonym: Complication, Ignorance, Misconception, Misunderstanding
Example: His interpretation of the music was rather too literal.
Related Words:
Interpretable, Interpreted, Interpreting, Interpretatively
4. Excluded: (verb)
Meaning: Deny (someone) access to a place, group, or privilege. (छोड़ा गया)
Synonym: Shut Out, Debar, Reject, Ostracize
Antonym: Accept, Admit, Allow, Approve
Example: The Academy excluded women from its classes.
Related Words:
Exclusion, Exclusive, Exclusionarily
5. Allocation: (noun)
Meaning: The action or process of allocating or sharing out something. (आवंटन)
Synonym: Allotment, Assignment, Issuing, Issuance
Antonym: Misallocate, Deallocate, Keep, Withhold
Example: There will be a closer review of funding allocations for future conferences.
Related Words:
Allocated, Allocating
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