We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.
1. Slight: (adjective)
Meaning: Small in degree (थोड़ा)
Synonym: Modest, Minute, Inappreciable, Imperceptible
Antonym: Big, Considerable, Important, Large
Example: There is a slight chance of rain.
Related Words:
Slighted, Slighting, Slightly
2. Instilling: (verb)
Meaning: Gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude) in a person's mind. (दोहरा-दोहरा कर शिक्षा देना)
Synonym: Inculcate, Implant, Infuse, Ingrain
Antonym: Neglect, Dislodge, Halt, Stop
Example: They have instilled a love of music in their children.
Related Words:
3. Severe: (adjective)
Meaning: Intense (गंभीर)
Synonym: Acute, Serious, Grave, Critical
Antonym: Minor, Negligible, Gentle, Amenable
Example: The storm caused severe damage to the roof.
Related Words:
Severity, Severely
4. Intensive: (adjective)
Meaning: Concentrated on a single subject or into a short time (गहन)
Synonym: Concentrated, Rigorous, Exhaustive, Concerted
Antonym: Superficial, Cursory, Partial
Example: The training was intensive and the learning curve was steep.
Related Words:
Intensity, Intensively
5. Sighted: (adjective)
Meaning: Not blind (देखे)
Synonym: Glimpse, See, Spy, Notice
Antonym: Blind, Unalert, Unperceptive, Nearsighted
Example: Three days before these tempests commenced they sighted the capitana, but never saw her again.
Related Words:
1. Conglomerate: (noun)
Meaning: A thing consisting of a number of different and distinct parts or items that are grouped together. (संगुटिका)
Synonym: Mixture, Mingling, Combination, Amalgamation
Antonym: Like, Same, Similar, Unvaried
Example: People conglomerated in the downtown streets for an impromptu victory celebration over the years the town's discarded junk conglomerated at the bottom of the river.
Related Words:
Conglomerated, Conglomerating, Conglomerately
2. Stewarded: (verb)
Meaning: (Of an official) Supervise arrangements or keep order at (a large public event). (प्रबंधक)
Synonym: Managed, Supervised, Handled, Operated
Antonym: Refuse, Be Original, Differ, Imbalance
Example: He took all the shop stewards away for the day.
Related Words:
Stewarding, Stewardly
3. Hedge: (noun)
Meaning: A fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs. (बाड़ा)
Synonym: Fence, Windbreak, Barrier, Boundary
Antonym: Absolute, Certainty, Continue, Decide
Example: She hedged when she was asked to support the campaign.
Related Words:
Hedged, Hedging
4. Malicious: (adjective)
Meaning: Characterized by malice (दुर्भावनापूर्ण)
Synonym: Spiteful, Malevolent, Hostile, Bitter
Antonym: Benevolent, Assisting, Decent, Forgiving
Example: The referee said there was no malicious intent.
Related Words:
Maliciousness, Maliciously
5. Malfeasance: (noun)
Meaning: An act that is illegal and causes physical or monetary harm to someone else (दुराचार)
Synonym: Misconduct, Wrongdoing, Misbehavior, Crime
Antonym: Behavior, Manners, Obedience, Impropriety
Example: Two officials were dismissed by the bank for malfeasance, a scapegoat gesture.
Related Words:
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