We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.
1. Interacted: (verb)
Meaning: Act in such a way as to have an effect on each other. (बातचीत)
Synonym: Interrelate, Interchange, Link, Interconnect
Antonym: Discord, Divorce, Separation.
Example: Dominique's teacher says that she interacts well with the other children.
Related Words:
Interaction, Interactive, Interacting
Trick: They all rejected the interacted way.
2. Purportedly: (adverb)
Meaning: Appearing or stated to be true, though not necessarily so. (कथित)
Synonym: So-Called, Stated, Supposed, Averred
Antonym: Certain, Definite, Sure
Example: He forged documents which purported to show that his companies had vast resources.
Related Words:
Purportive, Purporting, Purported
Trick: Their gossips are purported and discriminated.
3. Mischievous: (adjective)
Meaning: Reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others. (संकट)
Synonym: Badness, Misbehaviour, Misconduct, Perversity.
Antonym: Solemnity, Advantage, Benefit, Happiness.
Example: He was always up to mischief.
Related words:
Mischievous, Mischievously
Trick: He is tremulous of a mischievous state.
4. Trigger: (adjective)
Meaning: Caused by particular action, process, or situation (उत्प्रेरित)
Synonym: Cause, Generate, Produce, Prompt
Antonym: Destroy, End, Halt, Prevent
Example: His remarks triggered a public outcry.
Related Words:
Triggering, Triggered
Trick: They trigger the stranger.
5. Migrant: (noun)
Meaning: A person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions. (प्रवासी)
Synonym: Emigrant, Evacuee, Expatriate, Immigrant
Antonym: Native, Resident, Citizen, Inhabitant
Example: They live in crowded migrant centres up and down the country.
Trick: Migrant are repellents from a particular state.
6. Employed: (adjective)
Meaning: Having a paid job. (कार्यरत)
Synonym: Engaged, Hired, Occupied, Busy
Antonym: Idle, Inactive, Unemployed, Unengaged
Example: Part-time workers accounted for 29.3% of the employed population last year.
Related Words:
Employment, Employing
Trick: They enjoyed the employed work.
7. Visuals: (noun)
Meaning: A picture, piece of film, or display used to illustrate or accompany something. (दृश्य)
Synonym: Graphics, Diagrams, Illustrations, Figures
Antonym: Invisible, Sightless, Viewless, Imperceptible
Example: She is an active visual artist and writer.
Related Words:
Trick: His visual gets approval.
8. Apprehension: (noun)
Meaning: Anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen. (आशंका)
Synonym: Alarm, Disquiet, Doubt, Dread
Antonym: Belief, Calm, Confidence, Certainty
Example: There is growing apprehension that fighting will begin again.
Related Words:
Apprehensive, Apprehend, Apprehensively
Trick: The expansion of apprehension can cause major issues.
9. Spreading: (verb)
Meaning: Open out (something) so as to extend its surface area, width, or length. (प्रसार)
Synonym: Growing, Radial, Widening, Extensive
Antonym: Suppressed, Halt, Stop, Abridgment
Example: The newspaper was spread across his lap.
Related Words:
Trick: The virus is spreading and heading towards the cities.
10. Manufacturing: (noun)
Meaning: The making of articles on a large-scale using machinery (उत्पादन)
Synonym: Assemble, Complete, Construct, Create
Antonym: Break, Demolish, Destroy, Divide
Example: A manufacturing company converts raw materials into finished goods.
Related Words:
Trick: The manufacturing delay is pressurizing the employees.
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