List of Important Days in March 2024

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March is the third month of the year in Julian and Gregorian calendars. This month also holds several important days including Zero Discrimination Day, World Civil Defence Day, Self-Injury Awareness Day, World Wildlife Day, and many more. Here is the list of Important Days in March 2024.

Important Days in March 2024

Important Days in March 2024


Important Days


March 1

Zero Discrimination Day

The UN initiated this celebration in 2014 to combat discrimination.

World Civil Defence Day

Established by the International Civil Defence Organisation (ICDO) in 1990.

It underscores the importance of disaster preparedness and response.

Self-Injury Awareness Day

It aims to raise awareness

to identify signs of self-harm and create supportive environments.

March 3

World Wildlife Day

It aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 12

World Hearing Day

It aims to increase awareness about preventing deafness and promoting hearing health worldwide.

March 4

National Safety Day

Aim to raise awareness about various safety concerns, including financial loss, health issues, and other life challenges, aiming to foster a safer environment for all individuals.

Employee Appreciation Day

To remind the significance of acknowledging and valuing the contributions of employees to organizational growth and prosperity

March 8

International Women’s Day

This day originated from the Women’s Social and Political Union in the UK in 1908.

March 9

No Smoking Day (Second Wednesday of March)

March 10

CISF Raising Day

The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) observes its Raising Day.

Established in 1969 under the Indian Parliament’s act

March 12

Mauritius Day

To commemorate two pivotal events in the country’s history—its independence from Britain in 1968 and the declaration of a republic in 1992.

Ramakrishna Jayanti

Ramakrishna’s birth falls on Dwitiya in the month of Phalguna during Shukla Paksha.

March 13

(Second Wednesday of March)

No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day is an annual event observed globally on the second Wednesday of March.

March 14

Pi Day

Pi is defined as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14.

International Day of Action for Rivers

To advocate for river protection and policy improvement

March 15

World Consumer Rights Day

To advocate for river protection and policy improvement

March 16

National Vaccination Day

To raise awareness worldwide about the rights and needs of consumers.

March 18

Ordnance Factories Day (India)

This occasion is marked by recognition from entities like the Ordnance Factory, Field Gun Factory, Small Arms Factory, Ordnance Parachute Factory, and Ordnance Equipment Factory

March 20

World Oral Health Day

To promote awareness about the importance of oral health.

World Sparrow Day


March 21

World Forestry Day

Established in 1971 at the 23rd General Assembly of the European Confederation of Agriculture

World Down Syndrome Day

Designated by the General Assembly in December 2011

World Poetry Day

Established during UNESCO’s 30th session in Paris in 1999

March 22

World Water Day

1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro

Bihar Diwas

Separation of Bihar from Bengal by the British in 1912

March 23

World Meteorological Day

Established on March 23rd, 1950, the World Meteorological Organization emerged into force.

Martyr’s Day

Three courageous freedom fighters—Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru, and Sukhdev Thapar—were hanged by the British.

March 24

World Tuberculosis (TB) Day

World TB Day is observed to honor the announcement made by Dr. Robert Koch in 1882

March 25

International Day of the Unborn Child

International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members

To mark the anniversary of the abduction and death of Alec Collett.

A journalist who was working for the UN at the time.

March 26

Purple Day of Epilepsy

March 27

World Theatre Day

March 29

World Piano Day

March 30

Rajasthan Day

Establishment of the state of Rajasthan.

On this date in 1949, the amalgamation of Jodhpur, Jaipur, Bikaner, and Jaisalmer formed the United State of Rajasthan

Important Days in March 2024: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the theme of Zero Discrimination Day 2024?

Ans: The theme for Zero Discrimination Day 2024 is “To protect everyone's health, protect everyone's rights.

2. What is the theme of World Civil Defence Day 2024?

Ans: The theme of World Civil Defense Day 2024 is “Honor Heroes and Promote Safety Skills.

3. What is the theme of World Wildlife Day 2024?

Ans: The theme for World Wildlife Day 2024, “Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation'.

4. What is the theme of World Hearing Day 2024?

Ans: The theme for 2024 is “Changing mindsets: Let's make ear and hearing care a reality for all”

5. What is the theme of International Women’s Day 2024?

Ans: The IWD 2024 campaign theme is Inspire Inclusion.

6. What is the theme of No Smoking Day 2024?

Ans: The National No Smoking Day 2024 theme is, "Protecting children from tobacco industry interference".

7. What is the theme of International Day of Action for Rivers 2024?

Ans: This year’s (2024) theme focuses on “Water for All”.

8. What is the theme of World Consumer Rights Day 2024?

Ans: Consumers International has selected 'Fair and responsible AI for consumers' as the theme for World Consumer Rights Day 2024.

9. What is the theme of World Oral Health Day 2024?

Ans: World Oral Health Day (WOHD) 2024, centered around the theme “A HAPPY MOUTH IS … A Happy Body”.

10. What is the theme of World Sparrow Day 2024?

Ans: The theme for World Sparrow Day in 2024 is “Sparrows: Give them a tweet-chance!” , “I Love Sparrows ” and “We Love Sparrows”

11. What is the theme of World Forestry Day 2024?

Ans: International Day of Forests 2024 will be celebrated on the theme, 'Forests and Innovation'.

12. What is the theme of World Down Syndrome Day 2024?

Ans: The World Down Syndrome Day 2024 theme is 'End the Stereotypes'.

13. What is the theme of World Poetry Day 2024?

Ans: “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants” is the theme for World Poetry Day 2024.

14. What is the theme of World Water Day 2024?

Ans: The theme of World Water Day 2024 is 'Water for Peace'.

15. What is the theme of World Meteorological Day 2024?

Ans: The theme of World Meteorological Day 2024 'At the frontline of climate action'.

16. What is the theme of World Tuberculosis (TB) Day 2024?

Ans: World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, 24 March 2024, continues with the theme “Yes! We can end TB”.


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