We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups, or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams, vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.
Snatched: (verb)
Meaning: Quickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way. (छीन लिया)
Synonym: Appropriated, Kidnapped, Seized, Stolen
Antonym: Missed, Released, Discharged, Freed
Example: Kidnappers snatched the girl from her bedroom.
Related Words:
Trick: The thief snatched the hatched egg
Beneficiaries: (noun)
Meaning: A person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy. (लाभार्थियों)
Synonym: Heiress, Inheritor, Legatee, Recipient
Antonym: Benefactor, Giver, Payer, Donor
Example: He had earlier got her to agree to change their wills so he was the sole beneficiary of her death.
Related Words:
Beneficiary, Beneficial, Beneficially
Trick: Saari beneficiaries policy ke saath vary karti h.
Subsidy: (noun)
Meaning: A sum of money granted by the state or a public body to help an industry or business keep the price of a commodity or service low. (अनुवृत्ति)
Synonym: Grant, Allotment, Subvention, Appropriation
Antonym: Forfeit, Hindrance, Injury, Loss
Example: The company received a substantial government subsidy.
Related Words:
Subsidize, Subsidized, Subsidizing, Subsidizedly
Trick: Subsidy is provided to the family of unsteady income.
Provision: (noun)
Meaning: The action of providing or supplying something for use. (प्रावधान)
Synonym: Arrangement, Plan, Accouterment, Catering
Antonym: Removal, Taking, Poison
Example: I carried my provisions in one large backpack.
Related Words:
Provisioned, Provisioning
Trick: The provision is made to clear the vision about the law.
Escalated: (verb)
Meaning: A rapid increase (वृद्धि)
Synonym: Acceleration, Growth, Increase, Rise
Antonym: Decrease, Diminishment, Lower, Fall
Example: Both countries mobilized their armies, but pressure from the international community averted further escalation.
Related Words:
Escalating, Escalatingly, Escalation
Trick: His motivation speech gives escalation in their work.
Dispensation: (noun)
Meaning: Exemption from a rule or usual requirement. (व्यवस्था)
Synonym: Disbursement, Allotment, Appointment, Apportionment
Antonym: Disfavor, Hole, Denial, Veto
Example: The priest asked for dispensation from his vows.
Related Words:
Trick: This conversation is about the dispensation of the program.
Unprecedented: (adjective)
Meaning: Never done or known before. (अभूतपूर्व)
Synonym: Unparalleled, Unequalled, Unmatched, Unrivalled
Antonym: Bad, Common, Commonplace, Customary
Example: The team has enjoyed unprecedented success this year.
Related Words:
Unprecedentedness, Unprecedentedly
Trick: The chanted person was unprecedented
Victorious: (adjective)
Meaning: having won a victory. (विजयी)
Synonym: outplay, outrun, overcome, overtake
Antonym: lose, surrender, fail, guard
Example: Against all the odds, Frederick was ultimately victorious.
Related Words:
Trick: The victorious moment is very precious.
Eligible: (adjective)
Meaning: Having the right to do or obtain something. (योग्य)
Synonym: Acceptable, Likely, Qualified, Suitable
Antonym: Unacceptable, Improper, Inappropriate, Ineligible
Example: She is eligible to be (elected) president.
Related Words:
Eligibly, Eligibility
Trick: The man is eligible for the accountable work.
Emerging: (verb)
Meaning: Move out of or away from something and become visible. (प्रकट होना)
Synonym: Appear, Surface, Materialize, Come Out
Antonym: Disappear, Drop, Leave, Finish
Example: The facts emerged after a lengthy investigation.
Related Words:
Emergence, Emergent
Trick: The plant emerges and merges with another.
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