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Expunged: (verb)
Meaning: Obliterate or remove completely (something unwanted or unpleasant). (मिटाना)
Synonym: Erase, Remove, Delete, Rub Out
Antonym: Add, Bear, Create, Establish
Example: His record was expunged after he completed a rehabilitation program.
Related Words:
Expunge, Expunging
Trick: The data was expunged and exchanged.
Coalition: (noun)
Meaning: A temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government. (गठबंधन)
Synonym: Alliance, Affiliation, Caucus, Federation
Antonym: Detachment, Disengagement, Disjoining, Dissolution
Example: The groups united to form a coalition.
Related Words:
Trick: Coalition is increasing questions on parties.
Arbitrary: (adjective)
Meaning: Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. (मनमाना)
Synonym: Capricious, Whimsical, Random, Chance.
Antonym: Rational, Reasoned.
Example: An arbitrary number has been assigned to each district.
Related words:
Arbitrate, Arbitrarily
Trick: This arbitrary work is necessary
Dignity: (noun)
Meaning: The state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect. (गरिमा)
Synonym: Decency, Decorum, Grace, Grandeur
Antonym: Dishonor, Evil, Immorality, Indecency
Example: She comported herself with great dignity at her husband's funeral.
Related Words:
Dignified, Dignify, Dignifiedly
Trick: The soldier’s dignity is infinity.
Federal: (adjective)
Meaning: A group of states with a central government but independence in internal affairs. (संघ)
Synonym: Confederacy, Union, Coalition, Alliance.
Antonym: Division, Separation, Disunion.
Example: The organization emerged from a federation of six national agencies.
Related words:
Federation, Federate, Federally
Trick: The federal meeting is in several cases
Exclusion: (noun)
Meaning: Deny (someone) access to a place, group, or privilege. (छोड़ा गया)
Synonym: Shut Out, Debar, Reject, Ostracize
Antonym: Accept, Admit, Allow, Approve
Example: The Academy excluded women from its classes.
Related Words:
Excluded, Exclusive, Exclusionary
Trick: The men was excluded as he was diluted
Extended: (adjective)
Meaning: Made larger (विस्तारित)
Synonym: Expand, Enlarge, Increase, Lengthen
Antonym: Reduce, Shrink, Narrow
Example: He extended a hand in greeting.
Related Words:
Trick: The doctor pretended that the patient had extended the flu.
Attempt: (verb)
Meaning: Make an effort to achieve or complete (something difficult). (प्रयासित)
Synonym: Begun, Initiated, Launched, Started
Antonym: Dropped, Quit, Gave Up, Quitted
Example: he would not have attempted the life of a friend
Related Words:
Attempting, Attempted
Trick: The people are attempting for exempting the tax.
Shrinking: (adjective)
Meaning: Becoming smaller in size or amount. (सिकुड़)
Synonym: Decrease, Diminish, Dwindle, Lessen
Antonym: Develop, Enlarge, Expand, Extend
Example: She wanted to shrink away and hide.
Related Words:
Shrink, Shrinkable, Shrinkingly
Trick: The boy is thinking of shrinking to hide
Eminent: (adjective)
Meaning: Famous and respected within a particular sphere. (प्रख्यात)
Synonym: Distinguished, Esteemed, Famed, Illustrious
Antonym: Common, Obscure, Ordinary, Unimportant
Example: The commission consisted of fifteen eminent political figures.
Related Words:
Eminently, Eminence
Trick: This patient is eminent in the hospital
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