Enhance your vocabulary with vocab words - 22th July 2023

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Enhance your vocabulary with vocab words - 22th July 2023

We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups, or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams, vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.

Seek: (verb)

Meaning: Attempt to find (something). (मांगना)

Synonym: Explore, Follow, Investigate, Pursue

Antonym: Ignore, Shun, Answer, Find

Example: The office is seeking a salesperson.

Related Words:

Seeking, Seekable, Seekingly

Trick: They are seeking for the streaking part.

Ensure: (verb)

Meaning: Make certain that (something) will occur or be the case. (सुनिश्चित)

Synonym: Secure, Guarantee, Warrant, Certify

Antonym: Hurt, Forget, Ignore, Invalidate.

Example: The company's sole concern is to ensure the safety of its employees.

Related Words:

Ensured, Ensuring

Trick: The doctor ensures to cure the disease.

Conference: (noun)

Meaning: A meeting of two or more persons for discussing matters of common concern. (सम्मेलन)

Synonym: Consultation, Discussion, Forum, Interview

Antonym: Silence, Quiet, Disassembly

Example: The organization held its annual conference in New York this year.

Related Words:


Trick: All the companies are showing their presence in the conference.

Urged: (verb)

Meaning: The action of urging someone to do something. (आग्रह)

Synonym: Appetite, Compulsion, Craving, Impulse

Antonym: Disgust, Dislike, Distaste, Hate

Example: I can never resist the urge to laugh.

Related Words:

Urging, Urgently

Trick: Vo dog feeding ke liye urging kar raha h.

Evacuated: (verb)

Meaning: The act of moving people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe (निकास)

Synonym: Expulsion, Clearing, Discharge, Emptying

Antonym: Retention, Arrival, Coming, Entrance

Example: They organised the evacuation of the town

Related Words:

Evacuation, Evacuating

Trick: The evacuation process need fluctuation

Pointing: (verb)

Meaning: Having a sharpened or tapered tip or end. (नुकीला)

Synonym: Barbed, Sharp, Acuminate, Cornered

Antonym: Blunt, Dull

Example: Her new book is a pointed look at life in a small community.

Related Words:

Pointed, Pointedly

Trick: The pencil is pointed and painted well

Prevent: (verb)

Meaning: Keep (something) from happening. (रोकना)

Synonym: Avert, Avoid, Bar, Block

Antonym: Approve, Assist, Continue, Encourage

Example: You can't prevent my leaving.

Related Words:

Prevention, Preventive, Prevented, Preventing, Preventively

Trick: They helped us to prevent from this bad event.

Deployed: (verb)

Meaning: To put soldiers or weapons in a position where they are ready to fight. (तैनात करना)

Synonym: Position, Station, Post, Place.

Antonym: Concentrate, Conclude, Finish, Conceal. 

Example: The troops were deployed for battle.

Related words:

Deployment, Deplorably, Deploying

Trick: Assembly me boys ko deploy kiya

Extended: (adjective)

Meaning: Made larger (विस्तारित)

Synonym: Expand, Enlarge, Increase, Lengthen

Antonym: Reduce, Shrink, Narrow

Example: He extended a hand in greeting.

Related Words:


Trick: The doctor pretended that the patient had extended the flu.

Affected: (verb)

Meaning: A gentle feeling of fondness or liking. (स्नेह)

Synonym: Fondness, Love, Liking, Endearment

Antonym: Dislike, Hate, Hatred, Indifference

Example: He shows great affection for his grandchildren.

Related Words:

Affectionate, Affectionately, Affection

Trick: The affection creates several actions


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