Enhance your vocabulary with vocab words - 14th June 2023

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Enhance your vocabulary with vocab words - 14th June 2023

We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups, or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams, vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.

Nominated: (verb)

Meaning: Propose or formally enter as a candidate for election or for an honour or award. (मनोनीत)

Synonym: Approved, Proposed, Suggested, Called

Antonym: Dismissed, Expelled, Discharged, Fired

Example: We expect the party to nominate him for president.

Related Words:

Nomination, Nominally, Nominative, Nominating

Trick: They all suggested your name to be nominated.

Allies: (noun)

Meaning: A state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose. (मित्र-राष्ट्र)

Synonyms: Associate, Colleague, Friend, Partner

Antonyms:  Antagonist, Detractor, Enemy, Foe

Example:  India and its Asian allies.

Related Words:

Allied, Allying

Trick: The allies combine the flies.

Adequate: (adjective)

Meaning: Satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity. (पर्याप्त)

Synonym: Acceptable, Capable, Competent, Decent

Antonym: Inadequate, Inappropriate, Incapable, Incompetent

Example: The school lunch should be adequate to meet the nutritional needs of growing children.

Related Words:

Adequacy, Adequately

Trick: He separates the adequate amount of food.

Legislation: (noun)

Meaning: The legislative body of a country or state. (विधान मंडल)

Synonym: Body, Chamber, House, Parliament

Antonym: Nonmanagerial, Nonsupervisory, Subordinate, Non-Administrative

Example: They addressed a petition to the legislature.

Related Words:

Legislative, Legislature, Legislatively

Trick: Legislature ko criminals ke departure pe unko new opportunities deni chahiye.

Alliance: (noun)

Meaning: A union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations. (संधि)

Synonym: Association, League, Compact, Concordat

Antonym: Dissociation, Disaffiliation, Separation, Severance

Example: We need to form a closer alliance between government and industry.

Related Words:


Trick: The alliance set up a recognizance.

Announced: (verb)

Meaning: Make a formal public statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention. (घोषणा)

Synonym: Call, Declare, Disclose, Issue

Antonym: Conceal, Hide, Hold, Keep

Example: The government announced a cut in taxes.

Related Words:

Announcing, Announcement

Trick: The manager was announcing the enhancing technique.

Session: (noun)

Meaning: A meeting of an official body, especially a legislature, council, or court of law, to conduct its business. (सत्र)

Synonym: Meeting, Sitting, Assembly, Conclave

Antonym: Stagnation, Inactivity, Inertia, Immobility

Example: The court was in session.

Related Words:

Sessional, Sessioning, Sessioned

Trick: This session caused bad impression.

Contentious: (adjective)

Meaning: Likely to cause argument (विवादास्पद)

Synonym: Antagonistic, Combative, Testy, Argumentative

Antonym: Unargumentative, Unaggressive, Noncontentious, Unchallengeable

Example: She has some very contentious views on education.

Related Words:

Contentiously, Contest

Trick: He always be contentious in the precious time.

Significance: (adjective)

Meaning: In a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention. (काफी)

Synonym: Notably, Remarkably, Importantly, Seriously

Antonym: Slightly, Doubtfully, Apparently, Superficially

Example: Another store sold the game for a significantly lower price.

Related Words:

Significant, Signify, Significantly

Trick: These soldiers are significant for this rampant people.

Amendments: (noun)

Meaning: Make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances. (हरजाना)

Synonym: Revise, Alter, Change, Modify

Antonym: Lower, Worsen, Break, Decrease

Example: She tried to make amends by inviting him out to dinner.

Related Words:

Amended, Amends

Trick: Amendment dene se acha adjustment karna hoga.

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