Enhance your vocabulary with vocab words - 12th July 2023

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Enhance your vocabulary with vocab words - 12th July 2023

We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups, or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams, vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.

Raised: (verb)

Meaning: Lift or move to a higher position or level. (उठाना)

Synonym: Boost, Hike, Increment, Accession

Antonym: Decrease, Decline, Deduction, Fall

Example: He raised his head and looked around.

Related Words:


Trick: The praise can raise his confidence.

Beneficiaries: (noun)

Meaning: A person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy. (लाभार्थियों)

Synonym: Heiress, Inheritor, Legatee, Recipient

Antonym: Benefactor, Giver, Payer, Donor

Example: He had earlier got her to agree to change their wills so he was the sole beneficiary of her death.

Related Words:

Beneficiary, Beneficial, Beneficially

Trick: Saari beneficiaries policy ke saath vary karti h.

Extend: (verb)

Meaning: Made larger (विस्तारित)

Synonym: Expand, Enlarge, Increase, Lengthen

Antonym: Reduce, Shrink, Narrow

Example: He extended a hand in greeting.

Related Words:

Extending, Extended

Trick: The doctor pretended that the patient had extended the flu.

Interacted: (verb)

Meaning: Act in such a way as to have an effect on each other. (बातचीत)

Synonym: Interrelate, Interchange, Link, Interconnect

Antonym: Discord, Divorce, Separation.

Example: Dominique's teacher says that she interacts well with the other children.

Related Words:

Interaction, Interactive, Interacting

Trick: They all rejected the interacted way.

Allocation: (noun)

Meaning: The action or process of allocating or sharing out something. (आवंटन)

Synonym: Allotment, Assignment, Issuing, Issuance

Antonym: Misallocate, Deallocate, Keep, Withhold

Example: There will be a closer review of funding allocations for future conferences.

Related Words:

Allocated, Allocating

Trick: There is not an explanation of the allocation.

Ensure: (verb)

Meaning: Make certain that (something) will occur or be the case. (सुनिश्चित)

Synonym: Secure, Guarantee, Warrant, Certify

Antonym: Hurt, Forget, Ignore, Invalidate.

Example: The company's sole concern is to ensure the safety of its employees.

Related Words:

Ensured, Ensuring

Trick: The doctor ensures to cure the disease.

Initiative: (noun)

Meaning:  Official action that is taken to solve a problem or improve a situation. (पहल)

Synonym:  Enterprise, Inventiveness, Resourcefulness, Capability.

Antonym: Cowardice, Idleness, Inactivity, Indifference. 

Example: There's talk of a new peace initiative.

Related words:

Initiatory, Initiatively

Trick: This is an active initiative

Deprived: (verb)

Meaning: Prevent (a person or place) from having or using something. (वंचित)

Synonym: Dispossess, Strip, Divest, Relieve

Antonym: Clothe, Cover, Build, Construct

Example: He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom/rights.

Related Words:

Depriving, Deprivedly

Trick: This man deprives to drive

Eligible: (adjective)

Meaning: Having the right to do or obtain something. (योग्य)

Synonym: Acceptable, Likely, Qualified, Suitable

Antonym: Unacceptable, Improper, Inappropriate, Ineligible

Example: She is eligible to be (elected) president.

Related Words:

Eligibly, Eligibility

Trick: The man is eligible for the accountable work.

Subsidy: (noun)

Meaning: A sum of money granted by the state or a public body to help an industry or business keep the price of a commodity or service low. (अनुवृत्ति)

Synonym: Grant, Allotment, Subvention, Appropriation

Antonym: Forfeit, Hindrance, Injury, Loss

Example: The company received a substantial government subsidy.

Related Words:

Subsidize, Subsidized, Subsidizing, Subsidizedly

Trick: Subsidy is provided to the family of unsteady income.


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