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Accommodation: (noun)
Meaning: A room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay. (आवास)
Synonym: Housing, Quarters, Rooms, Chambers
Antonym: Disagreement, Altercation, Animosity, Antagonism
Example: They weren't sure if they could provide food and accommodations for the whole group.
Related Words:
Accommodating, Accommodative, Accommodatingly
Trick: The luxury accommodations have various sections.
Implicated: (verb)
Meaning: The effect that something will have on something else in the future. (निहितार्थ)
Synonym: Suggestion, Inference, Indication, Connotation.
Antonym: Measurement, Proof, Reality, Truth.
Example: The lecturer made the implication that science was subjective.
Related words:
Implicative, Implicating, Implication, Implicatively
Trick: The implications has many additions
Indulged: (verb)
Meaning: Allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of. (लिप्त)
Synonym: Entertain, Nourish, Pamper, Satiate
Antonym: Entertain, Nourish, Pamper, Satiate
Example: She has never been one to indulge in gossip.
Related Words:
Indulgence, Indulgently
Trick: They both divulged and indulged in the process
Cremation: (verb)
Meaning: Dispose of (a dead person's body) by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony. (अंतिम संस्कार)
Synonym: Incinerated, Ashed, Kilned, Torched
Antonym: Extinguished, Stamped (Out), Doused, Quenched
Example: He wants to be cremated when he dies.
Related Words:
Cremating, Cremated
Trick: The man was estimated to be cremated
Preliminary: (adjective)
Meaning: Preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important. (प्रारंभिक)
Synonym: Preparatory, Introductory, Initial, Opening
Antonym: Additional, Extra, Secondary, Closing
Example: Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote.
Related Words:
Trick: Disciplinary rules must be followed in preliminary
Sustained: (verb)
Meaning: The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. (निरंतरता)
Synonym: Continuous, Viable, Feasible, Unceasing
Antonym: Untenable, Tiring, Unendurable, Unsuitable
Example: Environmental sustainability is high in its goals.
Related Words:
Sustainability, Sustainably, Sustainable
Trick: He has the ability of sustainability.
Purported: (adjective)
Meaning: Appearing or stated to be true, though not necessarily so. (कथित)
Synonym: So-Called, Stated, Supposed, Averred
Antonym: Certain, Definite, Sure
Example: He forged documents which purported to show that his companies had vast resources.
Related Words:
Purportive, Purporting
Trick: Their gossips are purported and discriminated.
Incidents: (noun)
Meaning: An instance of something happening; an event or occurrence. (घटनाएं)
Synonym: Circumstance, Episode, Event, Fact
Antonym: Cessation, Inaction, Inactivity, Stoppage
Example: Two people were shot yesterday in two separate incidents.
Related Words:
Trick: These incidents are subsequent.
Assailant: (noun)
Meaning: Make a concerted or violent attack on. (हमलावर)
Synonym: Bash, Berate, Blast, Criticize
Antonym: Compliment, Praise, Uphold, Exonerate
Example: He is assailed by contradictory advice from all sides.
Trick: Assailing ka jhund sabki detailing ka pata kar raha h.
Related Words:
Assailability, Assailing
Accused: (noun)
Meaning: A person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a crime. (आरोपी)
Synonym: Arraigned, Implicated, Incriminated, Indicted
Antonym: Acquitted, Clear, Discharged
Example: He was accused of stealing the money.
Related Words:
Accusing, Accusingly
Trick: The accused person has abused the law.
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